Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Family Update

  Our family has been doing EXTREMELY well! My children are happy and healthy toddlers that love each other and the Lord. On the 22nd we had a birthday party for Stephie at a local bowling alley (the children used the duck pin balls and lanes). A couple families from our church as well as my own family joined us in celebrating Stephie's official entrance into toddler hood. : ) It was a fun time and there was nothing bitter sweet about it (you'll have to read my previous posts)! We bowled, the girls decorated princess mirrors, ate pizza, and enjoyed sharing fellowship while celebrating our Stephie Belle! After Stephie's birthday party, we all went to one of the children that attended Stephie's b-day celebration birthday party. The little boy and Stephie share the same birthday 5/23, and both had their parties on the 22nd. On the 23rd we went to a "U Pick Flowers" place and let Stephie pick out her own bouquet of flowers which is currently filling the house with beautiful fragrance. We had so much fun on Saturday and Sunday! Mark and I even had a little bowling match against my brother and his fiancĂ©. Of course, Mark and I won! : ) But, the funny thing is that Matthew (my brother) and I had tie scores, 91. Lol. There is nothing better than celebrating with those you care about!
  Rene is doing VERY well with her school work! She is currently doing addition (may I remind you that she is only 3 years old!!!). She is counting up to fifteen, and can identify most shapes, and basically every color! I am so grateful to God for giving Mark and I such a beautiful, brilliant little girl! ... Stephie has entered the world of terrific twos. She is so funny. One minute she's mischievous and as silly as silly can be, and the next she's a perfect, sweet little princess. Stephie loves life, and is full of it!... Mark and I have been walking hand in hand towards the Lord, and have put a lot of time and love into our children as well as our relationship with each other and the Lord. There are many big changes in our future, that we are excitingly looking forward to. Two of the biggest blessings the Lord has bestowed upon Mark and I in the past couple of months are peace, and contentment... We've enjoyed doing many things as a family including going to the beach, and hanging out by the water while feeding the ducks. The simple pleasures in our lives have been the greatest, and we look forward to them each and every day.
(Note:  If you are new to my blog, but know me and my family you may be confused about the children's names.  I do not use my children's actual names in my posts for safety reasons.)

John 14:27
Mark 12:31

Cross Roads


  The Lord has placed my family at a cross road. We can either give him our ALL, or not. Some people may look at our family, and sacrifices we've made for the Lord, and to keep our hearts and minds pure and think "What else can you give Him?" A lot of people look at our disapproval of cable television as "odd", or "strange", and think that we are down right "weirdos." However, we know in our hearts that our decision is right. We also know in our hearts that having the Lord as a constant topic of conversation is right, as is listening primarily to Christian music... Up until recently I've thought that I have given the Lord my all by doing all of those things for Him. However, due to current convictions I see that I was wrong. And, as I've said my family is at a cross road. We can either say "We've given the Lord enough", or we can take another leap and get "stranger" to most of society. I'm sure no one knows what I'm talking about at the moment, and this most likely sounds like I'm speaking gibberish. So, I will let out a little piece of my heart and let you in on my current convictions. First, I see error in the ways I've clothed myself and my children in the past. Secondly, my husband has experienced convictions about working on Sundays. Therefore, in the near future he will drop his Sunday pay in order to serve the Lord. Third, the Lord has put it in Mark and my heart to have more children way sooner than we thought we would. Fourth, I've started discipline and reward charts in my kitchen for not only my children, but also for Mark and myself (We give each other stars, hearts, and crosses according to how we've behaved and followed the Lord). Fifth, I believe that I am suppose to listen to my husband now more than ever before. Sixth, I see error in some of the books I've read from a Christian author, and movies I've seen (nothing bad from a worldly stand point, but absolutely horrible from where I now stand). The Lord wants me and my family to honor Him with not only our sacrifices but our lives, our entire heart, our ears, and our eyes. We are to not join in worldly activities that do not include Him, and we are to incorporate Him in everything we do every minute of every day. I know this, and it's my honor to serve Him in these ways... But, at the same time it's scary to think of how much of an "outcast" that could make us to the rest of the world. One of my prayers have been for the Lord to send a like minded family our way. It would be so nice to know a Christian family that has gone through similar convictions and that disapproves of a lot of the same, or similar, worldly activities that we do ...

I pray for the Lord to give my husband and I guidance as we raise our children so that they will grow into loving adults that will serve the Lord. I pray that the Lord will have patience with me as I learn to further obey my husband. I pray that my family will be able to touch the hearts of people regardless if they think us to be "strange" or not. I also pray that the Lord will forgive me as I stagger at this cross roads. I know I will follow the path the Lord has chosen for me. It's just taking me a little while to get there... However, one small step at a time my family will go down a new path, and everyone around us will see big changes. So, lastly I pray that you will not think ill of us for following this path, and know that we are simply doing what the Lord has asked of us. We love you all very much! And, we hope that you too will listen to your personal convictions and do whatever the Lord asks of you.
God Bless!

Proverbs 3:5
John 14:27
Luke 14:25-35

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Precious Moments

Wow... It's hard to believe that I have not signed onto my blog in over two months! I've been so engrossed in each and every one of my children’s' precious moments that I hardly get online anymore. In fact the only reasons I've been online in the past two months have been for my children. I have logged on numerous times for Stephie's up coming birthday party. She will be two years old, and the thought of her turning two is very bitter sweet.. I am very into birthdays! To me a birthday is way more than a celebration of another year passing. A birthday is a celebration of the life that God has given, and of all the mile stones achieved that year. My children's birthdays are always joyful, yet a bit sad for me. While I'm thrilled with their lives, their achievements, and beautiful hearts, I'm also sad that they are no longer my little babies waddling around the house while babbling. Of course this sadness always fades. God has blessed Mark and I with the most joyous gifts, our children. And, I know in my heart that God will bless us with more little ones. So, as my beautiful daughters grow and flourish there is peace in knowing that I have not nursed my last baby... Aren't children such a blessing? I could not imagine my life without my little ones! The girls and I spent Sunday afternoon together at a local park by the water. It was so beautiful and peaceful. The girls talked about their "mermaid sightings" as I enjoyed the cool breezes coming up from the water. I am always amazed by my children's imagination, and creativity. The other day we painted animal shaped ceramic magnets. Stephie and Rene's magnets were SO beautiful! In fact both of their magnets looked better than mine! ... Anyway, so I've just been enjoying life too much to be online. However, this blog still is important to me. I feel that it is very important to tell our personal testimonies. Therefore, I will continue to occasionally write a post. In fact, after my children's nap I will write another post.

I hope that you will take the time out to sit back, relax, and enjoy all the blessings around you. Perhaps you do not have children, but have friends, or family... Take some time out and enjoy the loved ones around you. We can not stop the clock from ticking, and with each passing second not spent with a loved one, we loose out on a precious moment.

God Bless and may you have millions of precious moments!

Pslam 118:24
Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8
Pslam 127:3

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 39 & 40: Pizza, Movie, and Church Membership

Note: I have a few posts to write, so I'll have to edit them later.

On Saturday February 20th my mom watched the children while Mark and I met with our Pastor at a local pizzeria. I had set up the meeting in order to talk with the Pastor about Mark and I becoming members of the church. I have to admit that I was a bit nervous before hand. Luckily Mark and I arrived before Pastor B. did. I was able to calm my nerves while waiting for his arrival. Our very casual get together over pizza went well. I voiced my concerns, asked questions, and told Pastor B. a little more about my family. Before the get together I wasn't 100% sure if the church was for us... The church has a school on it's grounds. This is initially what drew me to the church. I spoke with Mark about the school and he said that he had heard good things about the school, and the church. So, on Easter of last year we went to the church for the first time. Although I didn't feel surrounded by the Holy Spirit as I had when entering other churches, I felt it through the words spoken by the Pastor that day. This was new for me. Never had I been "hit" with the words spoken by a preacher, or a priest. I have been to many different churches through out my life. I've been to Catholic churches (my paternal grandmother is Catholic and Mark and I took RCIA classes), Presbyterian, Methodist, Evangelical, and First Assembly churches. I'd have to say that First Assemblies had always been my church of choice BEFORE entering a Baptist church last Easter. There has been no greater harmony that has flowed through my heart, and moved me in such a way as the music of a First Assembly of God church has been able to. I LOVE worship music. In fact, I do not really listen to music that does not worship or talk about God. I love music that fills my soul and brings me to that peak of not being able to reach high enough, jump far enough, get close enough to the Lord. However, I do the same worshipping in my car as I've done in the First Assembly church. What was missing in my life was the word of God! A relationship with Him is just as important to me as His word. Although, I've read the bible at home, It's much different to have the words preached to you. The First Assembly church that I went to preached the Word, but not the way that Pastor B. does!..I have found the same harmony in the words that fill my mind, ears, heart, and soul every Sunday spoken by our new Pastor that I've found through my beloved worship music. This is a rarity, and that on top of our get together with Pastor B. moved me to become a member of a church for the first time that Sunday morning.

After meeting with the Pastor Mark and I went to the movie theater. I read the book by Nicholas Sparks, Dear John. I was so moved by the story that I asked Mark to read it, which he did. And, he actually liked it. He of course liked it for different reasons than I did. Mark was more touched by the relationship between the main character and the father as well the things the main male character went through for love. I was touched by the love story, and feminine aspects of the book. Anyway, so we saw the movie "Dear John." First, I'd like to say that the movie is NOTHING like the book! There were NO references to God in the movie! I was upset about this. In the book, Savannah, is a "great" person. She does volunteer activities, gives people chances, and does not judge people (among many other good attributes) BUT she contributes everything she does to the Lord. She more of less knows that all the good things about her come from the Lord. In the movie she is still a "great" person. However, there is no explanation for why she does volunteer activities. In the movie she is just a person that does good things. The only reason I picked up the book was because I knew that it contained Christian elements. So, I assumed that the movie would too. I'm happy that my husband and I spent some time together away from the children, and the house. However, I was not that pleased with the movie we saw. After the movie we went home, ate more pizza, and spent a little time with the children.

The next day I woke up bright and early. I dropped Mark off at work, got the children and myself dressed for church and then drove about an hour to pick up a dear old friend. I will call my friend "Luke". I have known Luke for about ten years. I went to school with him in the eighth grade. Anyway, the Lord has called upon me to be involved in certain people's lives. These people, I try to bring them closer to the Lord. I am not a perfect person at all! However, I do have a fire inside me that strives for perfection. I will never in my life achieve this. No one will. But, I will always seek it, I will always seek the Lord. I love using this fire to set others on fire. The number one thing, to me, is to ensure that as many people as possible experience eternal life, and salvation. I am not a preacher. The only Biblical schooling I've had was from my Christian high school. However, I do have a bible, and that fire in my heart. And, I've found that together they can lead people to church or/and to eternal salvation. This is NOT something that I'm "good at". This is a GIFT that I've been given. My speech is not elegant, and I do not have all the answers. But, I've been told that people "see something in me", and I guess that is what leads them to Him. I pray that this gift never leaves me. I pray that He never leaves me, and continues to be a guiding light in my life.

On Sunday Luke came to church and got to see Mark and I become members of it. This was an emotional time for me. And, it was hard for me to sit still. I felt as if I should have collapsed to my knees with my arms out in front of me on the floor. I felt as if I should have gotten as close to the floor as possible and praise the Lord for all He was doing that day! But, I didn't. Instead I was restless in my seat with watery eyes.

The Lord was good to me on February 20th and 21st. These days were great days because of Him. I pray that all who read this are inspired in some way. I hope my life inspires people to get closer to the Lord.

God Bless and have a extraordinary day!

Locks of Love helps disadvantaged children suffering from medical hair loss

Locks of Love helps disadvantaged children suffering from medical hair loss

Day 31: Locks of Love

I'm not sure when or how I first came upon Locks of Love. However, I am sure that I attempted to grow my hair out for this great cause for about nine years. I let my hair get to the middle of my back countless number of times before "getting sick of it", and chopping it off. The most memorable occasion of chopping off the hair I was growing out for Locks of Love was when I was about eight months pregnant with Rene. My hair gets abnormally thick when I am pregnant.  And, I was irritable, and frustrated with the fact that my hair had gotten so out of control.  I felt as if I had a horse's main growing down my back. It was VERY long. In fact it many have been long enough to donate. However, I did not donate it because I didn't want to be walking around with a bob when I felt as if my head looked like a giant water melon. So, I selfishly got my hair cut to my shoulders, and threw away about six inches of hair.

FINALLY a couple weeks ago I got 10 1/2 inches of hair cut off of my head to donate. I went through many stressful bad hair days to achieve this. So, I was very pleased with myself for finally, FINALLY, accomplishing something I had set out to do so many years ago!

At church I learned of a woman who does this A LOT! I admire her patients, and selflessness. I pray that the Lord will give me her patients, and selflessness so that I may be able to donate my hair several more times through out my life.
Note:  Although I've said that I'm "pleased with myself" I acknoledge that this would not have been possible for me without Christ.  Without Him I would have grown more impatient and would have chopped it off much sooner. 

Friday, February 19, 2010

Days 26-38: Blessed Life

Tonight, my husband made me cry... Tonight, he presented me with a card filled with beautiful words of love, and appreciation. He gave me this card, along with a mini version of the book Chicken Soup for the Christian Woman's Soul, just because he loves me. February 19th is not a holiday, nor is it a date that displays any meaning of importance to our family... It's just another day that he loves me, and decided to show me that love in his own way. And, I do feel very loved by him. Why do little gestures such as a card touch us so deeply? Why can a card with simple words bring tears to my eyes? It's because I read the words with a soft heart, and know, honestly know, that the words are truthful...

I apologize for my lack of posts these past two weeks. The Lord's work comes first, so I have been spending my time and energy on other things. A lot has happened since my last post... I've been growing my hair out for three years with the intention of donating it to Locks of Love. And, I finally accomplished doing so last Saturday. The GLA donations still have not been sent out because I still have two pick ups. All of the recent snow showers delayed my pick ups, so I missed the Feb. 15 deadline. Which, I was upset about, but figured that God had a purpose for it. Anyway, they will ship out again to Haiti in the (hopefully) near future, and when GLA does so they will have four big boxes from the loving people around my community... Let's see...I'm trying to remember everything that has happened over the last two weeks. I do so many noteworthy things every day that it's hard to remember it all... I've basically been following every little path that God turns me to. He holds my hand, and shines the light when it's dark. This has made it very easy to guide people to Him. It's easy guiding people His way when He's telling me what to say. I have something pretty amazing planned for Sunday that involves a very dear friend of mine. The Lord is a guiding light in that and all of my relationships, and I just can not praise the Lord enough for the things He's been doing in my life! I'm always so happy! My children are amazing, and SO smart! I've been home schooling Rene, and I don't think anyone would believe how high her comprehension level is! She's capable of first grade work, and she's only three. A friend of mine contributes it to me staying home with her and the one-on-one she gets with me, and I'd have to agree that it may have something to do with it. However, I contribute her brilliance to the Lord. Other than my children, my husband loves me, I'm building great friendships, and I'm making a difference in the world, one person, one organization at a time... If that's not living life to the fullest, then what is? I had an awesome Valentine's day! My husband set up a little party for the girls and I complete with streamers and balloons, and the girls and I had fun enjoying our party... What else could one ask for? Do I live a great life, or what? And, it's all because of the Lord! I lived a blessed life because of His love. He loves me, and He loves you. I hope all who read this truly know that they are loved! You may wonder how you can be loved without feeling loved... If you want to experience true love, just ask for it! Ask the Lord to come into your heart, and live the blessed life! You know, my husband didn't always write me cards that made me cry... Mark wasn't always the man that he is today... He's become, and is becoming a great man because he walks with Christ... If you are lonely, sad, feel unloved, or unlovable, then please, right here, right now... Say this simple prayer...

Dear Lord,

I want to feel your love. I want to know the Lord that I've heard so much about. I want to know you. I want to give you my heart. Lord, I know I have sinned. I am a sinner. Please forgive me, and bless me with your love, with a relationship with you. Thank you Lord.


Say that prayer, or make up your own.. Speak from your heart, and talk to the God that created you in His image. Pray to the God that LOVES you and wants you to love Him. The way I see it is if you are lonely, or sad, or have any trouble in your life that you have not been able to overcome yourself, then you have nothing to loose by going to the Lord. You have nothing to loose, but everything to gain. Let the Lord ease your worries and fears.  Let Him comfort you... With Him you will thirst no more!... Be His. Hear His truthful, honest words... Let Him soften your heart...

I hope this has touched someone's heart. If you are that person, then feel free to leave me a comment, or a e-mail. Feel free to ask me any questions that you may have about salvation, or the Lord's love.

God bless you, and have an extraordinary night!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Days 21-25: Snowed In

Mark had an interview with a new company that offered more advancement opportunities, and a bigger pay check, scheduled for Wednesday. However, on Tuesday night he decided to "not chase money" as his family did. I was surprised that Mark had decided to not work for the company. Deep down I didn't want him to work for them, but I figured it wasn't up for me to decide. So, I left it in God's hands and I prayed that Mark would let God guide him in making the decision. After Mark had made his decision to not go to Virginia, we talked for a little while. While talking we both agreed that we love the area in which we currently reside, and that this is where we want to raise our children. The company that was interested in him is based in Virginia, and they wanted him to work in Columbia Maryland. It would have been a big move for us, and I'm happy to not be making it.

I've been extremely tired the past few days. So, having Mark off from work on Tuesday, and Wednesday because of the interview, was nice. He helped out A LOT around the house, and he folded a lot of clothes! In fact on Wednesday I got to spend some one on one time with Rene. She and I made cards for Sinny and Ardjan, and took a trip to the post office, and into town. It was so relaxing, and laid back! She and I stopped at McDonald's to pick up hot fudge sundaes to bring back home and enjoy with Stephie and Daddy. We also stopped by a RedBox and picked up "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs."

The hot fudge sundaes we ordered turned out to be caramel sundaes. It was the first time I ate a caramel sundae (I'm a chocolate lover, so I've always passed on the caramel sundaes) but I loved it! We enjoyed the sundaes while watching the movie. It was a nice night, until it was time for Rene to go to bed. Apparently the animated movie that showed various foods falling from the sky scarred her, so she couldn't go to sleep. She eventually nodded off while cuddling with daddy on the couch with Disney's The Aristocats softly playing in the background.

Thursday is a bit of a blur to me. Mark worked somewhere around ten or eleven hours that day. So, it was just the children and I all day. Mark and I were both very tired by the end of the night. The only thing I really remember doing is cooking psari plaki (an awesome baked fish dish) for the first time, for dinner that night. I am big into Greek foods and cooking. I prefer Greek food to most American food. And, I've been experimenting with the recipes in a Greek cook book that my mom gave me. I will write the recipe for Thursday night's dinner at the bottom of this post.

Mark had to be at work at 5:30am on Friday. So, the girls and I did not take him to work that morning. It would have been way too early for them. Instead Mark went off to work and came home at 9:30am to pick us up for grocery shopping. The girls and I dropped Mark back off at work, and then grabbed a bite to eat. After our lunch, we went grocery shopping. The grocery store was out of a lot of the things that we buy due to frantic customers stocking up for the impending snow storm, but we made due. On our way back home after grocery shopping we stopped at McDonald's. I do not like McDonald's, actually I do not like fast food. However, we always stop at a fast food restaurant on grocery day because of time and convenience. Anyway, the McDonald's was insanely busy. I ended up cutting off a car in fear that I would be stuck in the parking lot for all eternity, unable to neither get out of it or order food. So, I cut off what ended up to be a elderly couple in order to get in the backed up line of vehicles waiting to place their orders. I felt so bad about this that when I paid for my order I told the McDonald's cashier that I was going to take care of the bill for the car directly behind us. As I pulled up to the second drive thru window, the people behind me tried to pay for their food at the first window. Through my rear view mirror I saw the cashier point to my vehicle. So, I waved to the people in the red car behind me, and the elderly man waved back. They seemed to be appreciative. And, I felt better about cutting them off. A while ago, someone had done this for me at a Starbuck's drive- thru. I was so appreciative that a stranger had paid for my order that I wanted to do the same for someone. Friday, I was given the perfect opportunity, and I felt GREAT afterwards!

It began to snow on Friday around 1:00, and didn't let up until about an hour ago, Saturday at around 4:00pm. We had a TON of snow where we live! My husband made the comment that if we dropped one of our daughters into the snow that we would never be able to find them again. Mark is originally from Idaho, and he said that he has never seen this much snow from one storm in his life. So, we've been snowed in all day. Our neighbor called to tell us about a news story she heard that advised people to keep their heaters free of snow due to the threats of carbon monoxide poisoning. So, he has been out several times today to clear our heater of snow. Other than that it has been a pretty lazy day. Mark and I have done a lot of reading. In fact the reason I haven't written a post in a while is because I've been stuck on a book written by Debbe Magnusen titled "Don't Abandon Your Baby." Anyone that knows me (and probably even those that do not) knows that I love to get involved with causes that I support. One such cause is the Pro-Life movement. Debbe Magnusen is the founder of an organization called Project Cuddles.                                                                                           (Early Sat. Look at how high the snow is on Mark's leg)

Project cuddles in a organization that helps prevent babies from being abandoned from all over the nation. Basically Debbe and the Project Cuddles volunteers help out scared or confused woman in their time of crisis. To find out more about Project Cuddles please go to . Anyway, so through their website I came across her book. I am almost done reading the book. It has been a great light into the hearts of the would-be baby abandoning mothers. I never quite understood why a mother would abandon her baby until reading this book. Now, I understand that motherhood isn't for everyone. Some people are not meant to have children, and just because a baby grows in a woman's body, doesn't mean that, that baby truly belongs to her. Because while that baby is growing in a woman's body that does not want it, it is growing in the heart of a different woman that does want it. A lot of times getting pregnant, and giving a baby up for adoption enriches the birth mother's life... God works in mysterious ways. And, I would like to get involved with Project Cuddles and help turn would be tragedies into hope, and blessings.

The past few days have been busy, yet relaxing at the same time. As always, life's great and extraordinary, no matter what storm (natural or other wise) is thrown my way. With God, nothing is as it seems... With God, would be tragedies are blessings. With God, we are able to see clearly and not let money fog our view. With God we are able to live an extraordinary life! 
                        Sunday morning.  All the snow swallowed our car!                               Mid Sat.  The girls' castle climber in the snow. 

Psari Plaki

1 lb fish fillets (I used flounder)
1 tablespoon chopped parsley (I used oregano for more flavor!)
1 tablespoon lemon juice (I squeezed 1/4 of a lemon)
3/4 teaspoon seasoned salt
3 tablespoons olive oil (I never go by the directions, and used much more)
1 medium onion, thinly sliced
1 clove garlic, minced
1 large tomato, thinly sliced
lemon wedges (the book says 3, I used more)
2 tablespoons white wine

The book says to arrange the fish in an 8 or 9 in square baking dish.  However, I found this to be WAY too small and I put the fish in a 12 x 8 in dish.  (Yes, I actually have a 12 x 8, it's not a 9 x 13)  Sprinkle with parsley (oregano), lemon juice, and salt.
Heat the oil in a small skillet and fry the onion and garlic until limp.
Top the fish with the onion mixture, including the oil from the skillet.
Arrange the tomatoes on top of the onion mixture, then place the lemon slices between the tomato slices.  Pour the wine over all and bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 35 minutes or until the fish flakes with a fork. 

Serve with Braised Potatoes (see my post titled Greek Food, Drinking, and Dancing)

Thursday night I served this with fresh green beans, and orzo mixed with fresh tomatoes, oregano, and olive oil.